Saw a gigantic angel walking into a Church grabbing someone by their ankles.

statue angel cemetery
Photo by Francesco Ungaro on

Full Flow Ministry

A word and visions He blessed me with a while back and is speaking to post it this morning.
God is shaking the Nations! God is grabbing people by their ankles and shaking them to their core!
I had went to bed early last night but the Lord had other things in mind. He started blessing me with visions and word so I got back up.
One of the things the Lord showed me was a vision of someone, this gigantic angel walking into a Church, grabbing someone by their ankles and turning them upside down, shaking them very hard.
What would you do if someone did this to you? Shaking you until you felt your teeth were going to fall out. Well, this is what I saw the Lord doing. Many will be in shock!
I then hear the following word – “I am sending my angels into…

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